Australia: The National Justice Project

On the day that the Australian govt reversed the Medevac Law we thought we should mention the NJP and what they do

They write…

Our small but dedicated team at the National Justice Project is one of those groups and our incredible results of the last two years prove that our tactical work can rapidly transform Australia’s legal and political environment. In that time the NJP has ensured that:

There are no more kids being held on Nauru;

  • Peter Dutton could not take mobile phones from immigration detainees;
  • There is a Medevac Law;
  • Over 300 individuals have been evacuated from Nauru and Manus Island; and
  • For the first time an Australian Coroner made findings about discrimination in health care and recommended ways to eliminate it.

We take on strategically important and urgent cases, exposing and addressing the shocking cruelty by the Australian federal and state governments. We hold those in power accountable for their decisions. People like Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison.

But we can’t do it alone. Our successes have been entirely thanks to the support of our closest supporters like you. We recognise the impact that your generosity has on our ability to change the world, and we thank you.

We get no government funding (it would compromise our independence) so we are funded solely by good people like yourself who cannot stand by while discrimination and human rights abuses abound and want to do something effective about them. This year we hope we can count on your support again.

NJP Giving Day – 10 December 2019 – coinciding with world Human Rights Day

On Tuesday 10 December 2019 we are excited to be holding our first annual Giving Day. Over twenty-four hours we are aiming to raise enough funds to help us cover salary and operational costs for our core legal team into next year.

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