Australia: Sydney man becomes ninth Indigenous person to die in custody since March and all in NSW

Yes that is correct, nine indigenous deaths in custody in Australia since March.. it’s a terrifying number and very few people are paying attention

ABC Australia reports

An Aboriginal man in New South Wales has become the ninth Indigenous person to die in custody in Australia since March.

Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the following story contains the name and image of a person who has died.

A Corrective Services NSW spokeswoman said a 43-year-old man was found unresponsive in his cell at the Metropolitan Special Programs Centre, part of Sydney’s Long Bay Correctional Complex, at about 5:45am on July 8.

The man was pronounced dead less than an hour later.

“Corrective Services NSW and NSW Police are investigating the incident,” the spokeswoman said.

“All deaths in custody are subject to a coronial inquest.”

Six of the Aboriginal deaths in custody since March 2 have been in NSW.

The man’s family have identified him as Ngemba man Frank Coleman.

They are now demanding answers about his death, saying he was “healthy” and his death has come as a “complete shock”.

They are calling for an immediate autopsy and for a coronial inquest to be scheduled as soon as practicable.

His daughter Lakota Coleman said the prospect of waiting two years or more for her father’s death to be examined in the Coroner’s Court was unacceptable.

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