Australia: Leading NSW Law Firm To Be Investigated Over Cocaine Culture At Firm

The Daily Mail reports on the firm that cannot be named…..

A leading law firm is being investigated over accusations several of its workers used drugs, blackmailed colleagues and propositioned peers with sex at an office party.

The NSW firm, which can’t be identified for legal reasons, has been dragged into the spotlight following a criminal trial of one of its lawyers.

The lawyer had been charged with serious criminal offences and was taken to court by one of their peers before they were found not guilty.

One of the lawyers had just attended a formal ceremony where they were admitted as a lawyer at the NSW Supreme Court, The Daily Telegraph reported.

The court heard they allegedly organised for cocaine to be supplied to their colleagues to celebrate their recent admission just hours after the ceremony.

Senior staff gave evidence alleging drugs were used by colleagues, and peers engaged in sexual acts during office parties and social functions.

The court heard one lawyer was allegedly caught doing cocaine off a microwave plate and sharing the drug.

A worker went into the office the following day with their children to do some work.

The court heard they allegedly found a cocaine encrusted $20 note, before wiping it down and allowing the kids to spend the money on pizza.

The court heard another lawyer allegedly propositioned their colleagues with sex during one of the parties.

Another lawyer allegedly planned to blackmail a colleague because she wanted their job, the court heard.

The court heard the lawyer allegedly told the colleague to resign or they would tell their partner about their alleged illegal behaviour.

The judge said the lawyers would be referred for investigation by the NSW Law Society and the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner.