Australia: ALRC webinars focus on simpler regulation

he Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) will host two webinars next month related to its work around simplifying corporate and financial services regulation.

The ALRC will discuss preliminary findings from a three-year inquiry into the legislative framework at the first event on May 17.

“The webinar will invite reflection on the current regulatory architecture, as well as consideration of alternative legislative designs for the regulation of corporations and financial services in Australia,” the ALRC says.

A second webinar on May 24 will look at approaches taken overseas, with an international panel of experts to provide perspectives on frameworks operating in other jurisdictions.

The webinars will be presented in partnership with Wolters Kluwer CCH Learning.

The Federal Government asked the ALRC to carry out the three-year review after the Hayne royal commission found financial services law is overly complex and should be simplified.

A first report, looking at the use of definitions, is due on November 30, with following reports on specific areas expected by September 25 next year and August 25 2023. A consolidated final report is due by November 30 2023.

Details on the webinars are available here.