AustLII has now released a draft programme for Law via Internet 2015
– . LvI 2015
has over 40 speakers from 15 countries, plus many distinguished session chairs. There will be sessions on ’The media and free access law’, ‘International law online’, ‘Sports law transparency’, ‘Reclaiming legal history’, ‘Innovation in free access to scholarship’, the semantic web and law, language and translation, and many other topical issues.
It is the first time since 2003 that AustLII has hosted the annual LvI conference and meeting of the Free Access to Law Movement, and a rare opportunity to hear first-hand of developments in Europe, East Asia, Africa and elsewhere.
We encourage you to register for a stimulating international conference, to be held at UNSW Law Faculty. Registrations will close on 2 November.
It would be much appreciated if you could publicise the conference programme through channels open to you. Tweets are available for re-tweeting at @austlii
Best wishes,
Graham Greenleaf AM
Professor of Law & Information Systems, UNSW Australia
Web – LSN –
Twitter: @grahamgreenleaf @austlii @worldlii