Aus Law Firms Make Money On Back Of Sackings

Our weekly Firm Spy round up has a couple of stories

Illustrating how some Australian firms are staying in the black

Story 1

Bum Steer at Herbert Geer; Huge Growth After Rumoured Redundancies & Cutbacks
August 7th, 2009
We reported in May rumours that national mid-sized firm Herbert Geer had implemented a range of cost-cutting measures, including claims of secret redundancies and tight-fisted party-pooping. some definite over-exposure with this bum-steering We remarked in July on the inconsistency between these cost-cutting allegations and the rumoured decadent refurbishment of Herbert Geer?s Melbourne office. Today, with thanks to ALB, it […]

Story 2

Sparke Helmore Reports Massive Growth ? After Redundancies
August 3rd, 2009
Sparke Helmore?s departing Managing Partner John Davis announced last week: no prosperity in the dole line Sparke Helmore had a strong year with pleasing revenue of $95 million, up 8 per cent on last year. Our strategic plan provides a framework for us to build on that and aims to achieve targeted growth for the prosperity of […

mmmm! a pattern perchance ?