The Asian Pacific Law & Policy Journal has published its latest issue (Vol.12, Issue 1), which can be accessed at?
It includes the following articles, comments, and special issue articles based on the inaugural East Asian Law & Society Conference.
Alison W. Conner, Movie Justice: The Legal System in Pre-1949 Chinese Film
James Parry Eyster, Antigone in China: Teaching American Law and Lawyering in Shenzhen
Naomi Johnstone, Indonesia in the ‘REDD’: Climate Change, Indigenous Peoples and Global Legal Pluralism
Justice Margaret McMurdo AC and Jodi Gardner, Traditional Pacific Land Rights and International Law: Tensions and Evolution
Natasha Baldauf, One-Way Track to Desecration: Implications of the Honolulu Rail’s Failure to Comply with Protections Mandated for Native Hawaiian Burials
Amanda Lokelani Donlin, When All the Kahuna Are Gone: Evaluating Hawaii’s Traditional Hawaiian Healers’ Law
Barron T. Oda, An Alternative Perspective to Battling the Bulge: The Social and Legal Fallout of Japan’s Anti-Obesity Legislation
Trevor Tamashiro, Molokai: Resurrecting Aha Moku on the “Last Hawaiian Island”
Stewart A. Yerton, Procedural Standing and the Hawaii Superferry Decision: How a Surfer, a Paddler, and an Orchid Farmer Aligned Hawaii’s Standing Doctrine with Federal Principles
Hiroshi Fukurai et al, Special Issue Introduction: The Resurgence of Lay Adjudicatory Systems in East Asia
Anna Dobrovolskaia, Japan’s Past Experiences with the Institution of Jury Service
Makoto Ibusuki, “Quo Vadis?”: First Year Inspection to Japanese Mixed Jury Trial
Jae-Hyup Lee, Korean Jury Trial: Has the New System Brought About Changes?
Zachary Corey and Valerie P. Hans, Japan’s New Lay Judge System: Deliberative Democracy in Action?
Hiroshi Fukurai, People’s Panels vs. Imperial Hegemony: Japan’s Twin Lay Justice Systems and the Future of American Military Bases in Japan