Asia IP Names Baker & McKenzie Top Trademark Law Firm

Baker & McKenzie have sent out a press release saying they have been recognised for their trademark law advice..

Here’s the press release

winning four awards, including the coveted ?International Trademark Law Firm of the Year? award and receiving a total of 15 nominations, at the inaugural Asia IP Awards, recently held in Hong Kong. The Firm was also named the top trademark law firm for Hong Kong, China and Singapore.

?We greatly appreciate this recognition from our clients and in-house counsel,? Robert Arnold, Head of the Firm’s Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Practice said. ?This recognition not only confirms our reputation as one of the most highly rated and recommended IP advisers, but also represents the confidence our clients place in us for handling complex, multi-jurisdictional IP and trademark law matters.?

The Firm was also short-listed in 11 other categories, which include ?Australia Trademark Law Firm of the Year?, ?Australian Patent Law Firm of the Year?, ?China Patent Law Firm of the Year?, ?Hong Kong Patent Law Firm of the Year?, ?Indonesia Trademark Law Firm of the Year?, ?Indonesia Patent Law Firm of the Year?, ?Taiwan Trademark Law Firm of the Year?, ?Thailand Trademark Law Firm of the Year?, ?Thailand Patent Law Firm of the Year?, ?Vietnam Trademark Law Firm of the Year? and ?International Patent Law Firm of the Year.?

The Asia IP Awards are based on an extensive poll of in-house counsel in Asia and the Pacific, North America and Europe, who were asked to nominate the top three law firms in trademark and patent for each of the 16 jurisdictions they are familiar with.