Article: AI in Legal: Leveraging Automation Tools to Bolster the Bottom Line

It’s no secret the legal industry is seeing a rise in tech adoption. As platforms such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT show numerous benefits for streamlining everyday tasks, more firms are starting to adopt this advanced technology to meet industry demands. In fact, recent research shows that AI legal tools will become mainstream in the industry in the next five years.

AI and automation tools can provide great value to law firms’ operations. By leveraging this technology, law firms can increase business opportunities, reduce operational costs, foster essential cross-team collaboration and boost competitiveness.

Leveraging AI to Streamline Operations

According to new research, law firms are experiencing a 10% year-over-year increase in direct expenses. As a result, many law firms are looking for ways to cut costs, increase billable work opportunities and streamline operations.

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AI in Legal: Leveraging Automation Tools to Bolster the Bottom Line