Article: AI Ethics Opinions: What Do Bar Associations Have to Say About AI Use?

What’s holding your firm back from exploring the opportunities that artificial intelligence (AI) offers? For many lawyers, it’s fears about whether their bar association approves of AI.

According to the 2024 Legal Trends for Mid-Sized Law Firms report, 31% of lawyers in mid-sized firms and 19% of lawyers in smaller firms believe that their bar association would never approve of law firms using AI-powered software.

Despite this attitude among lawyers, we know now that several states have, in fact, begun approving AI ethics opinions concerning AI use in the legal profession (the most recent examples at the time of writing being California and Florida). Additionally, no bar association has stated that they will never approve of law firms using AI tools.

Whether your state bar has released an AI ethics opinion or has yet to do so, lawyers should take the time to familiarize themselves with how bar associations are approaching AI regulation, generally. Below, we’ll provide a brief overview of Florida’s recent AI ethics opinion, along with some tips for staying on top of AI usage in your law firm.

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AI Ethics Opinions: What Do Bar Associations Have to Say About AI Use?