Article: 5 ways the iPhone 5 will make you a better lawyer

Here’s the piece – not sure technology can solve this issue but as we are all endlessly told technology will solve all our problems

we’ll relate what they say.


Although here at ALE we tend to pay more attention to Huxley who said….”Technological progress has merely provided us with

more efficient means for going backwards.”


5 ways the iPhone 5 will make you a better lawyer

Can you feel the warm glow emanating? CAN YOU?

Apple dropped some much expected news today that it will be releasing its latest version of the GodPhone next week, humbly titled the iPhone 5. If, like me, you?re rushing to buy it and figure out ways it will change your life and your legal practice, let me count them for you:

1. The screen will be larger. In fact, half an inch larger, which, we all know, makes a huge difference. Now you won?t have to squint at the tiny text in a clumsy, awkward way, letting everyone know that you?re looking at your phone while in court. You can do it stealthily while pretending to listen to whatever the judge is droning on about. Clients will be impressed at your attention giving skills.

2. It comes with a new-built in BumpForLawyers App, which allows you to transfer documents, motions and thoughts directly to the judge?s iPhone, minimizing the need to speak or articulate anything.

3. Siri is now schooled in all the evidentiary rules and your state statutes, so you can quickly ask ?How should I object to this question?? and she will tell you the appropriate answer. In fact, you should just let Siri object for you; she?s far more sonorous than you ever will be.

4. The iPhone 5 is now equipped with EndlessZoom, a nifty tool that lets you zoom into pictures to infinity and has such useful features as ?enpixelate? and ?reverse the view? which let you fully and effectively explore a crime scene as if you were there! Discover hidden pieces of evidence, see the real perpetrator?s reflection in a toenail and splice DNA strands on the fly. It also provides you with handy catchphrases to sprinkle throughout your examination. David Caruso glasses are extra. You?re sure to win your trials and maybe get a few phone numbers in the process.

5. It won?t.

[Image shamelessly stolen from the Washington Post website, which I presume took it from Apple or someone covering the event.]