Players love to come to an online or crypto casino site that has secure backing and a huge pool of games, such as our favorite one, Goldwin, but that’s not the case with all countries.
In some places, even a friendly game of poker with real money could get you in serious trouble. Read today’s article about the top 5 countries with the most restrictive gambling laws.
1. Japan
Legally speaking, it’s difficult to tell what’s allowed in Japan as far as gambling goes. Until recently, gambling of any kind was strictly forbidden. Several exceptions, however, allowed for gambling to continue in various forms. The historical significance of Pachinko, for instance, made it a legal activity. Betting on horses at the track and other forms of sports betting were also generally accepted. Land-based casino games were finally made legal in Japan thanks to the Integrated Resort Programme Law (2016).
2. Singapore
Private events in Singapore are illegal without a special permit under the Private Lotteries Act. Public lotteries are subject to additional rules under the Common Gaming Houses Act. This means that games like Bingo, lotteries, machine games, and others are illegal unless expressly permitted by law. Sports betting on land is also prohibited unless conducted through one of Singapore’s three authorized gambling operators (the Singapore Pools, the Singapore Totalisator Board, or the Singapore Turf Club). The two public casinos (yes, there are only two) are the only places where people can legally gamble on the ground, and even then, only under particular conditions outlined in the Casino Control Act. All forms of online gambling are illegal in Singapore except for remote sports betting at the Singapore Turf Club or Singapore Pools.
3. Qatar
Regarding gambling laws, Qatar is the biggest challenge on the planet. Sports betting, along with other forms of gambling, is strictly forbidden. Because of this total ban, there is a thriving underground gambling scene, but many people pay the price for their participation. Although it is illegal to gamble online, some people still go ahead and do it because they can gain access to offshore gambling sites despite the government’s best efforts to prevent them.