Article: 10 Attorneys to Watch on TikTok

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Afraid to use TikTok? You’re not alone. Many attorneys are hesitant to try TikTok because they don’t want to look unprofessional. However, there is nothing inherently unprofessional about the platform. In fact, there are a lot of legal professionals who are seeing major success on TikTok (without learning any choreography).

The 10 lawyer TikTok accounts highlighted below are nailing the magic formula—and you can, too! If you can showcase your personality, underscore your legal expertise, and provide value to the viewer either through education or entertainment (or both), you can succeed on TikTok.

Here are 10 attorneys to watch on TikTok and why they’re performing so well.

Before you click anything, here’s a quick TikTok 101

We’ve made the case for TikTok in legal marketing before, but here’s a quick primer.

TikTok users come from various age groups, and the platform is used like a search engine by some users. You can use keywords in your videos and captions in the same way that you use keywords on your website. TikTok is especially good at establishing recognizability among people who may be seeking legal counsel.

Not sure how to begin? For any law firm getting started on Tik Tok, try these categories:

  • Scenario
  • Behind the scenes
  • Listicle
  • Newsy
  • Real life / day in the life
  • Tips / education
  • Humor

You can also start with the four types of social media posts.

Until you determine your niche, aim to publish a constant flow of content based on these categories and the four types of content to keep your TikTok page fresh. Once you find your niche, you can use our tips to never run out of content again.

10 attorney TikTok accounts to watch

Each of these 10 accounts has a slightly different flavor. You will also notice that, for every account on this list, their content falls under at least two of the categories listed above. Most of these accounts are a bit “louder” than what you’d expect from a lawyer—which is why they are performing so well.

@erikakullberg, 9.1M followers
Erika’s channel is full of actionable, accessible videos related to consumer rights, tech, travel, and small business. Her signature format (“They have no idea I follow Erika!”) is highly recognizable and she publishes new videos quickly in response to hot new topics. Finding your own signature format will help you stand out as well!

@divorcelawyerdenise 334.2K followers
Denise answers commonly asked questions related to divorce, with a special focus on Florida. This strategy is very effective and she converts her viewers into leads by putting a consultation link in her bio.

@bradshear 1.1M followers
Brad’s videos are humorous and they tackle controversial topics—a strategy that puts his videos in front of exactly the right audience. Two of his top videos are “How to respond when your public school demands you unlock your phone” and “Is it legal to flick a booger on another person.”

@tommythelawyer 157.8K followers
Tom produces videos that are personal and educational. He achieves this balance by educating his viewers about topics related to medical malpractice while also showcasing his personal life and strong opinions.

@thelawyerpaige 340.1K followers
Employment law and workplace harassment are the focus of Paige’s channel. She intersperses educational videos with personal videos, tapping into TikTok trends and sharing excerpts from her own personal life. She does a great job building relationships with her viewers, too.

@lawyerlem 43.5K followers
This injury lawyer makes relatable, scenario-based content that anyone could find valuable. For instance, he has a video called “How to resolve an argument with anyone” and another called “How to answer tricky cop questions.” He wears a suit and tie in all his videos but he’s not afraid to showcase his personality.

@thelawyerangela 1.1M followers
Angela’s videos respond to hot new topics, with a focus on class action lawsuits and pop culture. Her videos are fun to watch and informative, with a BFF vibe that appeals to many of her culturally-aware viewers. 29.1K followers
Michael is a personal injury lawyer and his videos are highly relatable. They showcase his family, his team, and his daily work life. With a mix of behind-the-scenes content and educational content, Michael’s humor and relatable approach make him stand out.

@ugolord 6.4M followers
Ugo’s videos are built to educate by fostering engagement. He makes a lot of videos in his “Who’s Liable?” series. In one video, he’ll ask his audience what they think and then explain the right answer in the next video. This gamification of content, plus Ugo’s bright personality, have led to major TikTok success. This approach also encourages viewers to watch more videos on his page which is important for TikTok’s algorithm and, ultimately, helps to boost his visibility on the platform.

@lawyerkelly 386.9K followers
Kelly is a family lawyer who tackles difficult topics related to marriage and divorce. For instance, one of her top videos addresses the query “I’m having an affair with a married man, do I have any rights?” She educates people and responds to pop culture events, too.

Want to see some examples? Check out these videos

Here are quick links to videos produced by these top TikTok accounts, sorted by type of content:

Scenario videos:

Behind The Scenes videos:

Listicle videos:

Newsy videos:

Real Life/Day In The Life videos:

Tips/Education videos:

Humor videos:

Final note on TikTok

TikTok is not the platform to be shy. 

Are you camera shy? No problem! There are plenty of workarounds and tips to help you become more comfortable in front of the camera. This skill will not only help you create better videos for social media, but it will benefit you as a public speaker, too.

Even if you’re more soft-spoken, you can make use of the platform’s add-ons like Text, Sounds, and Effects to help your video stand out.

Review and next steps

TikTok is a great place to establish your brand as an attorney, whether you’re soft-spoken or bold and brassy. If you can educate, entertain, and explain current events related to your niche, you can succeed as a lawyer on TikTok.

Any attorney’s expertise can translate to TikTok—we can help. Social media marketing can be fun, effective, and data-driven. Let us show you how!

The post 10 Attorneys to Watch on TikTok appeared first on Omnizant.



