Are you an undergraduate and postgraduate library school student on a CILIP/LAI accredited course or do you know someone who is? If yes, then read on.
The BIALL Student Award – applications to win this prestige student award are now open. The award is for best 2,000-3,000 word essay. The topic must be one related to law librarianship, or the provision of information or knowledge services in a corporate environment, though entries on wider information science / library topics will be considered. Essays linked to the conference theme will be treated favourably. The winner of the award will receive a £100 cash prize plus attendance at the BIALL Conference 2024. Mark the subject of the email as BIALL STUDENT AWARD (entries not marked with that subject heading may be missed and not considered). The closing date for entries will be 30th April 2024. Further details can be found on the BIALL Awards pages: