Ambrogi – Lexblog: Free Legal Tool Helps Businesses Create Key COVID-19 Employment Policies

Ambrogi writes…….As many businesses across the United States struggle to deal with the employment issues arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, SixFifty, the technology subsidiary of the law firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, today released a free automated tool to help them develop essential policies on working from home, sick leave, and other critical issues.

Readers may remember that I wrote about SixFifty just last week, when it launched an automated product to help companies automated GDPR compliance and documentation.

This new COVID-19 tool uses automated policies developed by Wilson Sonsini’s employment attorneys and a questionnaire system that can gather information from employees impacted by COVID-19, manage tasks and automate important communications.

The tool provides two main features:

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