Ambrogi: California Bar Takes Giant Step Towards Regulatory Sandbox

Another piece from him via Lexblog on developments in California..

California could become the next state, after Utah, to establish a regulatory sandbox to explore new methods of delivering legal services, after the State Bar of California Board of Trustees voted 9-2 yesterday to form a working group to explore the development of such a sandbox.

The working group will be charged with exploring the development of a regulatory sandbox to evaluate possible changes to existing laws and rules that may inhibit the development of innovative legal service delivery systems.

These may include consumer-facing technology that provides legal advice and services directly to clients, as well as other delivery systems created through the collaboration of lawyers, law firms, technologists, entrepreneurs, and others.

This could include consideration of relaxing rules and laws regarding unauthorized practice of law, fee sharing, nonlawyer ownership and other legal restrictions.

The move is based on recommendations of the Task Force on Access Through Innovation of Legal Services, which the trustees appointed in 2018 to study and identify regulatory changes to enhance access to legal services through the use of technology and online delivery models.

Read his full piece at