Allen & Overy Associate Attempts Serialization Of Erotic Novel

Thanks to Roll On Friday for alerting us to this wonderful website which goes to prove that not all lawyers are up till 3 in the morning upping their billable hours. Some of them are

endlessly having their eyelids kissed by a succession of european lovers.

Roll on Friday reveal the details:

Deidre Dare (her real name) publishes the novel, Expat, on her website (warning: not entirely work safe). It comes with the tagline "philosophy can be sexy", although it seems Dasha, the book’s heroine, is much keener on sex than philosophy. Within the first sentence readers are treated to the apparent shortcomings of Frenchmen’s private parts. A further eleven chapters see Dasha dashing round Moscow to pursue a series of affairs with men of various nationalities.  "There is something thrilling about being in bed with a Frenchman" claims Dasha. Or a Russian or a German, depending on the chapter.

Her website can be found at  (warning if at work your employers may not be mpressed by her scantily dressed self portraits)

and if you want to try and befriend her on facebook go to

Here’s her profile page at A&) – No daring photos here…

And surprise surprise the Sun has picked up the story in best sensationalist style today. That facebook account is going to be very busy