All You Need to Know About Car Accident Lawsuits in the U.S.


If you’ve been in a car accident, you know how much stress it can cause. You might even be questioning whether it’s worth pursuing legal action against the at-fault driver. This guide will give you all the information you need to make that decision and move forward with a claim if necessary.

Chapter 1 – Understanding the After-Effects of a Car Accident

If you’ve been in a car accident, it’s essential to know that three main types of injuries can come from being involved in a collision. These are physical injuries, emotional effects like anxiety and depression, and financial damages that may result from the accident.

Chapter 2 – Should You Get a Lawyer

Now that you know the basics, you may be wondering whether to hire a lawyer. It’s up to you. You could do it yourself and save some money, but it would take a lot of time and effort. Or, if you have the money to spend, a lawyer can take care of everything for you. 

But even if your case seems straightforward enough at first glance, like being hit by a drunk driver, there are still some things that might make hiring an attorney worth considering.

If someone else caused your accident and they’re not admitting responsibility or trying to help pay for damages (like medical expenses), then their insurance company may try to avoid paying what they owe. 

If this happens, hiring an attorney will make sure that proper settlement terms are reached before any settlement is made with them on your behalf. Otherwise, they’ll try to get away with paying as little as possible. 

If there was another driver involved who wasn’t insured at all, or if their insurance won’t cover what needs covering, then having legal counsel on hand can help determine how best to move forward with securing compensation. Hiring legal representation also means that someone is looking out for your interests throughout all stages of litigation because their livelihood depends on getting results for clients. 

Chapter 3 – Getting Started With Your Lawsuit

If you want to sue someone and get compensation for your injuries, the first step is to call a lawyer. A lawyer can help you fill out forms and file the lawsuit, prepare for court, negotiate a settlement, or do any combination of these things. As per IBIS World, there are 60,670 personal injury lawyers and attorney businesses in the U.S.

A personal injury attorney will understand how state laws apply to your case, know what evidence is needed to prove your claim and which types of evidence are not allowed. They have experience working with insurance companies and other lawyers on cases similar to yours, so they can use their best strategies as part of their legal team. 

They’ll also be able to answer any questions that arise throughout every step of the process, from pre-suit negotiations with an insurance adjuster through trial if necessary. Let them handle both sides while you focus on getting better.

Chapter 4 – Compensation Categories

If you’re involved in a car accident, the cost of medical treatment, loss of earnings, and pain and suffering can be significant. As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), most countries lose 3% of their gross domestic product (GDP) due to road accidents.

In most cases, the following categories of compensation are considered:

  • Medical expenses: These include any bills for hospitalization or injury-related tests that weren’t covered by your health insurance. If you’re hospitalized for more than three days as a result of the accident, your medical costs could also be reimbursed.
  • Lost wages: If you miss work while recovering from injuries sustained in an auto accident or because you were too shaken up to work after being involved in one, these lost wages will be calculated into your settlement amount. 

Chapter 5 – Negligence Laws in Different States

Negligence laws vary between states. For example,  New Hampshire requires all drivers to be insured by an auto insurance company. If you want to file an auto accident lawsuit in Nashua, New Hampshire, and the other driver doesn’t have insurance, you may have difficulty getting compensation for your injuries. 

In such a scenario, it will be best if you hire a Nashua-based car accident lawyer. They will only know how to proceed with the claim in the state under different circumstances.

A car accident lawyer in Nashua could also get you compensation in an accident even if you were at fault. That is, as long as the percentage of your fault was less than the defendant’s.


Car accidents are common in the U.S., and they happen because of many factors, including the level of traffic. As per Statista, the U.S. is one of the busiest nations in terms of road traffic, with 284 million vehicles in operation in 2021 and more than 228.7 million drivers with valid licenses.

However, you don’t have to be afraid of filing a lawsuit if you get into one of these accidents. The law is on your side when it comes to compensation for medical bills and other expenses related to the accident. The only thing left for you now is to go out there and find yourself a good lawyer so that he or she can help with all the paperwork.