Ali G Saved By Indian LPO

This has to be our favourite story of the day.. Thankyou Above The Law.

They write..

Sacha Baron Cohen Uses Outsourcing For The Win

Whenever we talk about outsourcing, a number of commenters disparage the quality of work provided by less expensive, foreign lawyers. But jingoistic rhetoric isn’t going to do anything to stop the movement of legal work offshore. Indian lawyers scored a major victory yesterday, as a suit against Sacha Baron Cohen was tossed out of L.A. Superior Court.

The suit alleged that Cohen (performing as Ali G) suggested he had sex with a woman (who is referred to as "Jane Doe" in the lawsuit) during an "interview" with Gore Vidal. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Terry Friedman threw out the suit. He ruled:


This article is well worth a read..for two reasons.

First up… the fact that somebody would bother to try and take Sacha Baron Cohen to court over one of his Ali G interviews and secondly the fact that as the the Deadline Hollywood Daily blog reports… this quote from one of Cohen’s lawyers:

 "As so often happens in cases like this, the ‘chilling effect’ of the threat of substantial damages and significant legal costs, forces defendants to settle with plaintiffs who have no justifiable claim. However combining the skills and expertise of U.S. attorneys with U.S. law-trained Indian attorneys has proved to be an innovative and cost-effective way to fight and win the suit."

Congratulations to the Indian LPO’s . Maybe after his latest creation  Bruno  Cohen can create an Indian lpo/bpo worker who comes to save the world..

Full report at