ALB Injects Some Sense In Article

ALB writer Joshua Scott has dared write something sensible about the Australian & AP legal market..

As the rest of the legal world readily admits that the financial meltdown is affecting business a sense of almost buddhist serenity is being projected by the market in our region.


The general feeling as we lead up to Christmas appears to be .. it’s hard but we won’t suffer that much.


So it’s good to read Joshua’s small op ed on ALB where he writes:

There is a sense of hubris pervading the Asia-Pacific legal employment market at the moment. Buoyant, resilient, strong, booming are just a few of adjectives used to describe the current state of the market for legal talent. When questioned on this topic, lawyers, HR managers and recruiters often run out of superlatives with which to describe how strong things are.


Read the full article at


The sense we get here in Hong Kong is that it’ll be post Chinese new year that the hammer will fall. Although the SCMP is already full of stories of failing retail. crashing property markets, southern chinese factory closures and so on and so forth. The signs seem fairly obvious to us.