ACI Announces LPO Summit, to take place February 23-24 In New York

This event is designed for both in-house counsel and law firms who are still evaluating the viability of offshore outsourcing, plus those who already have outsourcing operations in place but who want to stay ahead of the latest industry developments to optimize their business practices.

The agenda addresses all of the substantive concerns surrounding LPO, including selecting which services to outsource, sourcing and selecting a service provider, and structuring an outsourcing agreement that protects you,  firms and clients from the ethical implications.

The speakers will be comprised of in-house counsel and attorneys with first hand experience of legal outsourcing. Unlike other events, this is not a service provider driven agenda, and participation by service providers will be limited to the most established and respected organizations.


Link To Conference Page Here

1:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Michael Mensik
Partner, Baker & McKenzie

1:10 Quantifying the Viability of Outsourcing Legal Services – Examining Market Drivers and Recent Trends for Assured Success

Jack Diggle
Consultant, princeOMC

  • Discussing the implications of the financial crisis on the legal market
  • How has the legal market been impacted by the current economic downturn?
  • Is LPO the answer to cutting legal spend in corporate legal departments?
  • Can LPO help avoid layoffs?
  • Using Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) as a template to quantify the value proposition for LPO
  • Evaluating the success of BPO to determine if this model does or does not translate to legal processes
  • In-depth analysis of trends in ROI for outsourcing business processes and the likelihood of similar developments through LPO
  • Exploring current trends in LPO
  • Analyzing motivation for companies and firms to adopt outsourcing for legal processes
  • Discussing what services are being outsourced and the methodologies behind those decisions
  • Examining the scope of projects being outsourced – how does this affect your ROI?
  • Quantifying the value to be gained from LPO
  • Benefiting from the cost savings gained through outsourcing
  • Ability to better allocate talent within your companyor firm
  • Stay competitive in an increasingly financially sensitive market
  • 1:50 Examining the Impact of LPO on the Legal Ecosystem

Paul Greenwood
CIO, Clifford Chance LLP

More and more tasks within an organization or law firm are being outsourced to reduce costs, but what impact will this have on the future? Jobs that are traditionally handed to paralegals or associates to build important skill sets are now being contracted domestically and abroad. It remains to be seen how this will impact the legal industry and the talent pool available in the U.S. and U.K. In this session, industry experts will discuss the potential impact that globalization will have on the legal profession and how the landscape currently in place may have to change to fi t into the future marketplace.

2:50 Networking and Refreshment Break

3:05 Comparing and Contrasting LPO Business Models to Determine Which Best Meets your Needs

Alexander Arato
VP & Associate General Counsel, CA

Rosemary Gullikson
Partner, Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP

  • Identifying the current outsourcing models available:
  • Onshore captives
  • Offshore captives
  • Third party providers- both domestic and abroad
  • Hiring lawyers on a temporary basis
  • Examining the pros and cons of each outsourcing model
  • Assessing the associated costs, savings, and potential tax advantages with each option
  • Determining if different models are appropriate for specific projects to be outsourced
  • 3:50 American Discovery Session

Michael Ford
Executive Vice President
American Discovery

David Hickey
Winston & Strawn

Examining the Legal Outsourcing Options Available in the Global Marketplace

India is the country that comes to mind when legal process outsourcing is mentioned, but there are advantageous options to outsourcing legal services in other areas. It is imperative to fully research all of the opportunities available when making a decision regarding outsourcing. In this session, industry experts will explore the primary legal outsourcing hubs of The Philippines, the United States, and India. Analysis of the qualitative and quantitative factors to consider when outsourcing will include:

  • Cost
  • Labor resources
  • Cultural assimilation
  • Discovery expertise
  • Results
  • 4:30 Panel Discussion: Customizing your Legal Outsourcing Strategy to Optimize the Processes for Specific Legal Services

Michael Mensik
Partner, Baker & McKenzie

David Cohen
Senior IPR Litigation Counsel, Nokia

Angela Hooper
Senior Attorney, The Williams Companies

Sonia Baldia
Partner, Business & Technology Sourcing
Mayer Brown LLP

John Rosenthal
Partner & Chair, E-discovery Group
Winston & Strawn LLP

Lessons learned from outsourcing the following:

  • Litigation and e-discovery
  • Intellectual property and patent litigation
  • Corporate
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • What job specific processes need to be considered?
  • Best practice analysis of which areas achieved the highest levels of efficiency and cost savings
  • 5:30 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks and End of Conference Day 1

Cocktail Hour sponsored by Aphelion

DAY 2 FEBRUARY 24, 2009

9:00 Chairperson’s Recap of Day 1

9:10 Best Practices for Selecting your LPO Provider: Defining Expectations, Asking the Right Questions, and Extracting the Necessary Information

Arthur Kentros
VP Global Business, IBM

Max Iori
Executive Director & Assistant General Counsel
JP Morgan Chase

  • Deciding your business goals and the scope of your outsourcing needs
  • Formulating the RFP to make sure you receive the proper information to make an educated decision between providers
  • Service levels and proposed terms and conditions
  • Confidentiality of information shared
  • Privacy requirements
  • Timeframes to ensure timely responses
  • Evaluating providers- due diligence to ensure you choose the right provider for you
  • Assessing the provider’s reputation and checking references
  • Analyzing the provider’s financial strength and insurance coverage
  • What systems are in place for disaster recovery and data security
  • Examining employee training programs
  • Choosing the right questions to ask
  • 9:50 Structuring an Outsourcing Agreement that Enables you to Maintain Control and Minimize Risk

Randy Clark
Senior Strategic Buyer, Volvo

Robert Finkel
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP

  • Formulating the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements to guarantee ethical standards are upheld by all parties involved
  • Protecting IP rights based on the industry standards
  • Determining what the contract should demand or allow in terms of audit rights
  • Establishing a schedule for knowledge transfer and drafting provisions to ensure transfer is executed
  • Measures to take if a security breach occurs:
  • When to notify clients and how to restore their confidence
  • Deciding which party is at fault and the appropriate actions to take
  • Covering all your bases- discussing different termination scenarios

10:50 Networking and Refreshment Break

11:10 Resolving the Unique Challenges Involved with Legal Process Outsourcing in India

Hiren Patel
Aphelion Legal Solutions

  • Defining the differences between LPO and other outsourcing models in terms of:
  • Type of work required
  • Levels of interaction
  • Setting the right expectations
  • Understanding cultural differences when outsourcing
  • An analysis regarding cross-cultural differences based on a quantitative model developed by Geert Hofstede from his work with IBM’s multinational business units.
  • Insights how the legal profession in India further affects cross-cultural differences
  • Identifying how cultural differences and Indian legal industry specific differences impact:
  • The type of work suitable for off-shoring
  • The organizational structure of LPOs and captives
  • Setting appropriate expectations

12:10 An Overview of the Pricing Models for Outsourcing – Examining Market Rates to Secure the Best Deal

Mark Ross
VP Sales & Marketing
LawScribe, Inc.

  • Analyzing the current pricing structures for LPO providers
  • What are the rate structures in place?
  • Do higher rates reflect higher quality?
  • Benchmarking the cost of large scale projects
  • What hidden costs should be considered when outsourcing?
  • Assessin g the fair market value
  • How much is outsourcing worth?
  • How to analyze your internal fully loaded costs
  • 12:50 Networking Luncheon for Speakers and Attendees

2:00 Case Study: The Contract is Signed, Now What? Proper Training and Management of your LPO Provider

Maria McMahon
Partner, Baker & McKenzie

Fauzia Zaman-Malik
Outsourcing Offering Counsel – Global Accenture Legal
Accenture Insurance Services

  • Establishing a training program:
  • Clearly outlining work to be completed and expectations to be upheld
  • Deciding to control remotely or send over supervision
  • What to cover when training your provider
  • Strategies to overcome cultural differences and linguistic issues
  • Effectively managing your outsourcing relationship
  • Implementing a communication pipeline to ensure an efficient exchange of information
  • Conflict resolution strategies to avoid disrupting the project
  • Methods to evaluate and monitor quality of work
  • Systems to motivate your team and ensure accountability
  • Exit strategies and contingency plans to protect confidential information if the relationship ends unfavorably
  • 3:00 Case Study: Ensuring Optimum Efficiency when Litigation Work is Outsourced

Ronald J. Schutz
Attorney, Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi LLP

Administering a suitable training program for your provider to establish processes for filtering information and transferring it back to the litigation team
Formulating a document review manual to guide your team and ensure the appropriate information is found
Types of documents
Where to find the information
Best practice analysis- what do you do with the information once you receive it
Implementing incentives to keep your team motivated to find quality information

3:30 Networking and Refreshment Break

4:00 Outlining What You Can and Cannot Do Avoiding Ethical Violations when Outsourcing

Larry Schultis
Global Sourcing, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

  • Evaluating the ethical issues involved in an outsourcing relationship
  • Unauthorized practice of law
  • Supervision
  • Confidentiality and Attorney-client privilege
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Billing issues
  • Avoiding problems associated with export rules for patents
  • Identifying various Bar Association opinions regarding outsourcing legal services
  • Malpractice coverage for liability concerns

4:50 Protecting Privacy and Confi dentiality Through Security Measures

Mauricio Paez
Partner, Jones Day

  • Evaluating the basic methods to link organizations and transmit sensitive information domestically and abroad
  • WAN/LAN (Wide Area Network/ Local Area Network)
  • VPN (Virtual Private Network)
  • Implementing technical processes to protect sensitive information
  • Data encryption
  • Disaster recovery
  • What measures should be taken ensure your providers facility is secure?

5:30 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks and End of Conference


February 23, 2009 9:00am – 12:00pm

Registration: 8:00am

Building the Business Case for LPO: Overcoming Challenges and Internal Hesitation to Outsource

This pre-conference workshop will present strategies for you to achieve company or fi rm wide buy-in to outsourcing your legal services. Because this industry is still in the infancy stages of development, it is often met with hesitation internally. This session will analyze, in depth, the value proposition and business case for LPO by identifying market drivers and cost savings achieved through outsourcing relationships. The workshop leaders will then discuss effective ways to communicate the benefi ts of LPO to your company or fi rm and also arm you with change management strategies to ease the transition to outsourcing your legal services. Join these industry experts to:

  • Examine the market drivers behind legal outsourcing for in-house counsel and law firms and quantifying the benefits of LPO
  • Cost reduction
  • Better resource allocation
  • Increasing efficiencies
  • Effectively communicate the advantages of an outsourcing relationship to secure management buy-in and adoption of LPO
  • Formulate strategies to overcome fears around loss of control and help employees adjust to new processes and ways of working
  • Achieve acceptance of LPO within your company or firm and realize a successful outsourcing relationship

Visit for details of the workshop leaders.