If like us you are law AI’d out !
You wouldn’t point to a banditry of chickadees — yes, that’s what they’re called — hanging out with a flock of ostriches and just say “look, a bunch of birds.” It’s technically true, of course, but one is an adorable passerine songbird and the other is basically a full-on velociraptor that really let itself go over the last 70 million years or so. Forget about how the ornithological eggheads parse birds little boxes, this is a distinction that even Jane Q. Public needs to be able to make at a glance because one of the two can absolutely kill you.
So why are we still lumping different transactional tools under the “AI Contract Review” label?
We all do it. The companies themselves do it because buyers rarely cast a narrow net when researching a new product. The journalists do it because the companies do it. And then the firms and legal departments do it because they don’t know the nuanced differences between these solutions because the companies and the journalists aren’t highlighting differences and the vicious circle continues.
Read more. https://abovethelaw.com/2021/05/just-calling-a-product-artificial-intelligence-isnt-good-enough/