Here’s their latest list ( and those going back to 2019)
In keeping with the spirit of progress, the Legal Technology Resource Center (LTRC) is proud to present its “Women of Legal Tech.” Our goal is to celebrate the women currently in the legal tech space and to encourage more women to join the ranks.
“Women of Legal Tech” began in 2015 with an initial list created by Law Technology Today contributor and practice management advisor, Heidi Alexander. The LTRC Board will continue to highlight more talented women each year.
2022 LTRC’s Women of Legal Tech
- Leah Molatseli | @leahmolatseli
- April Dawson | @AprilGDawson
- Kristin Tyler | @KristinTyler
- Olga V. Mack | @OlgaVMack
- Dyane O’Leary | @dloleary2
- Julie Pearl | @PearlLawGroup
- Kristin Hodgins | @kristinhodgins
- R. Amani Smathers | @R_Amani
- Carol Schlein | @cschlein
- Jacqueline Schafer | @jackiegschafer
- Marlene Gebauer | @gebauerm
- Debbie Reynolds | @DebbieDataDiva
- Natalie Anne Knowlton | @natalalleycat
- Nicole Morris | @nicolenmorris3
- Nicola Shaver | @Nicola_Shaver
- Tonya Evans | @IPProfEvans
- Caroline Hill | @chillmedia
2021 LTRC’s Women of Legal Tech
- Catherine Bamford | (@BamLegal) | CEO and Founder of BamLegal
- Leila Banijamali | Co-Founder and CEO at Symbium
- Lucy Bassli | (@lucybassli) | Founder and Principal at InnoLaw Group, PLLC; Law Department Management Consultant at NextLaw In-House Solutions; and Legal Strategy Advisor at LawGeex
- Rebecca Benavides | Director Legal Business and Strategy at Microsoft
- Amanda Brown | (@accesstowhat) | Executive Director of the Lagniappe Law Lab
- The Honorable Samantha Jessner | Assistant Presiding Judge-elect of the Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County
- Someera Khokhar | Founder and CEO of Nammu21
- Camila Lopez | (@camilopez) | Consumer Advocate and Co-Founder of People Clerk
- Kelli Raker | Coordinator, Entrepreneurial Law Program, Duke University School of Law
- Shannon Salter | (@shannonnsalter) | Chair of British Columbia’s Civil Resolution Tribunal
- Roberta Tepper | Lawyer Assistance Programs Director of the State Bar of Arizona
- Jennifer Wondracek | (@JenWondracek) | Director of the Law Library, Professor of Legal Research and Writing at Capital University Law School
2020 LTRC’s Women of Legal Tech
- Linn Alfredsson | Founder and Project Manager at Tech Academy Nordic
- Charity Anastasio (@charityanas) | Practice Management Advisor for the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s Practice & Professionalism Center
- Bernadette Bulacan Starin (@InHouse_Bern) | Lead Evangelist at Icertis
- Veronica Canton (@vlgac) | Partner and Co-Founder of Impowerus
- Lisa Colpoys (@lcolpoys) | Program Director at the Insitute for the Future of Law Practice
- Stephanie Everett (@StephAEverett) | President of
- Lori Gonzalez (@RayNaCorp)| CEO of The RayNa Corporation
- Christie Guimond (@cguimond11) | Co-Founder of #SheBreakstheLaw
- Sirisha Gummaregula | COO of QuisLex
- Margaret Hagan (@margarethagan) | Director of the Legal Design Lab
- Hannah Konitshek | Head of Business Operations and Strategy at
- Mary Mack | CEO and Chief Legal Technologist at EDRM
- The Honorable Bridget McCormack (@BridgetMaryMc) | Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court
- Dorna Moini (@dorna_moini) | Founder and CEO of Documate
- Kathleen Orr | Senior Innovation Counsel at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
- Donna Payne | CEO of PayneGroup, Inc.
- Farrah Pepper | Chief Legal Innovation Counsel at Marsh & McLennan Companies
- Jayne Reardon (@JayneRReardon)| Executive Director at the Illinois Supreme Court’s Commission on Professionalism
- Carla Reyes (@Prof_CarlaReyes) | Director of Michigan State University’s Center of Law & Innovation and LegalRnD Lab
- Sarah Schaaf | CEO of Headnote
2019 LTRC’s Women of Legal Tech
- Kunoor Chopra (@KunoorC) | Vice President Legal Services and Co-founder at Elevate Services
- Tanina Rostain (@TaninaRostain) | Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center
- Joy Heath Rush | CEO at International Legal Technology Association
- Dean Hari Osofsky (@HariOsofsky) | Dean of Penn State Law and School of International Affairs
- Debbie Hoffman | Founder and CEO of Symmetry Blockchain Advisors
- Kimberly Bennett (@kbennettlaw) | ?Trademark Attorney and Business Coach
- Erin Gerstenzang (@EHGLawFirm) | Founder of EHG Law Firm
- Erin Levine (@hellodivorce) | CEO of Hello Divorce & Levine Family Law
- Laura O’Bryan | Co-Founder of MyVirtual.Lawyer
- Kim Craig (@kim_craig) | Co-Founder & Experience Designer
- Natalie Worsfold (@NatalieWorsfold) | Co-Creator and driving force behind CounterMeasure at Counter Tax Lawyers
- Felicity Conrad (@felicity_conrad) | Founder and CEO of Paladin PBC
- Katie DeBord (@DebordKatie) | Chief Innovation Officer at Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
- Katia Alcantar (@KatiaAlcantwood) | Co-Founder and General Counsel of Text a Lawyer, Inc.
- Catherine Krow (@cmkrow) | CEO of Digitory Legal
Read prior lists at