AAR Trying To Hold Back On Redundancies

According to the following report in ALB..

Australian firm Allens Arthur Robinson have no "agenda" to start instituting firmwide layoffs

ALB write:

Voluntary redundancies and salary freezes at Allens Arthur Robinson are not a forerunner to forced layoffs, says AAR boss Michael Rose.

"I’ve said it is not our agenda to respond to the likely downturn by instituting a firm-wide redundancy programme. The voluntary redundancy programme has absolutely no targets in terms of either numbers, positions or any specific roles in the firm. It just one of a number of options being made available."

Rose said the firm’s plans across the Asia region would vary from country to country. "In Asia our response will most likely vary from office to office and country to country, depending on the nature of our practice, whether or not we have a joint venture and the impact of the downturn on the country concerned." AAR is currently in a number of joint ventures with local firms across the region. In Singapore the firm is in a formal joint-law venture with TSMP Law Corporation, in Thailand it has an alliance with Siam Premier while in Indonesia it is allied with Widyawan & Partners.
The steps being taken by the firm are all about maintaining growth in the long run according to Rose,

Full piece at http://au.legalbusinessonline.com/news/breaking-news/aar-boss-hoses-down-redundancy-speculation/34887