A Shanghai University Has Launched an Investigation Into the Hiring of Disgraced Former Case Law School Dean Lawrence Mitchell

This story has been running hot on various Lis-Law’s this past week. the university has obviously decided to act

Clevescene reports


The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics has officially launched an investigation into the hiring of Ezra Wasserman Mitchell, otherwise known as Lawrence Mitchell, the disgraced former dean of the law school at Case Western Reserve University, according to the Shanghai Daily.

In 2014, Case Western Reserve University Law School Dean Lawrence Mitchell resigned amidst a lawsuit alleging rampant sexual impropriety and retaliation against a professor who tried to blow the whistle.

The salacious details of that suit — including Mitchell’s repeated attempts to enlist students and underlings in threesomes — and the complicity of CWRU administrators, including President Barbara Snyder, were chronicled in this 2014 Scene feature story. The suit was settled two months after publication.

In 2016, Mitchell announced on his now-defunct personal blog that he’d officially changed his name to Ezra Wasserman Mitchell.

He is now a professor of Law at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SHUFE) in China, and students recently learned of his past (un)professional conduct. They brought the information to the university’s attention and have pressured the school to explain why and how it hired Mitchell despite his history.