A Practical Guide for Small Firms to E-Discovery Practices and Products

Via Law Sites (Ambrogi)

One of the challenges of e-discovery for smaller law firms is that so many of the e-discovery products on the market are designed for large cases handled by large law firms, putting them out of range for smaller firms in both price and complexity.

For smaller law firms, the leading guide to e-discovery practices and technology has long been, eDiscovery for the Rest of Us, written by e-discovery expert Tom O’Connor, cofounder of the Gulf Coast Legal Technology Center. First published by the American Bar Association in 2013, and with occasional updates in the years since, the book is now out in a new edition, published by O’Connor in partnership with Nextpoint, the e-discovery and litigation support company.

Although I have not yet read it, the publishers say that this new edition features new content, including about advances in artificial intelligence, enhanced design, and practical checklists and discussions that address current regulations, rules, and challenges in the e-discovery world.

(I did read the prior edition, and we featured an excerpt from it on the LawNext Legal Technology Directory: E-Discovery for the Small Case – Finding the Right Tools On A Small Budget. )

You can buy the book on Amazon for $34.99.

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