The Independent Malta reports
A Memorandum of Understanding between the Justice Ministry and the University of Malta’s Faculty of Law will allow the latter to start publishing an annual academic journal of an international standard.
Announced on Sunday, the Justice and Education Ministries said that the journal will contribute to there being more academic awareness in the legal sector.
The ministries said in a joint statement that the journal will continue to increase the Faculty’s, the University’s, and the country’s profile and will also offer another forum for academics and students, especially those reading for Masters degrees and Doctorates, the chance to publish their research.
The Justice Ministry will also be enjoying expertise from the Faculty through which academics can contribute on various projects according to their needs, amongst them on the TEMI platform. This digital platform, which is currently being worked on, will give access to knowledge and information on various subjects in the justice sector.
Justice Minister Jonathan Attard said: “It is satisfying that through this agreement we will support the Faculty of Law to have its first official journal, while further strengthening the collaboration which is already ongoing with the same faculty in the best interests of all those involved.”
He continued that this is the dialogue between the academic world and the world in which lawyers need to practice which is necessary for us to be able to explore the possibility of other projects, Attard continued.
Education Minister Clifton Grima said that the University of Malta has an important role in that which is research and the creation of knowledge. He said that agreements like this will give more tools to the Faculty of Law and for their students to have another source of information in their studies.
Faculty of Law Dean Ivan Mifsud said that the faculity always understood that it is part of a large institution and an active society, which is what prompts an understanding that practice and research need to be emphasised upon.
He praised the initiative, saying that the Faculty is committed to continuing to follow this direction.
University of Malta rector Alfred J. Vella said that it is important that there is a mix of interest influenced by what is happening around us in the academic journey, and that this journal is an important step which shows the increase in practicing lawyers and the need for new collaborations.
Justice Ministry Permanent Secretary Johan Galea, Justice Ministry Director Joanne Battistino, and Faculty of Law Deputy Dean Ivan Sammut were also present for the signing.