If the music business was the real world, a statement issued by Triller on Friday (February 5) would have been delivered behind a rickety wooden lectern, in front of Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
After Universal Music Group declared that it was pulling its music catalog from Triller, the video platform stated that any previous potential licensing renewal between the two parties was “just a formality and a courtesy to UMG, as a shareholder of Triller”.
Instead, Triller asserted it did not require a deal with UMG “to continue operating as [we have] been since the relevant artists are already shareholders or partners on Triller, and thus can authorize their usage directly”.
Obviously, what constitutes “usage” is up for interpretation. But if it means “the licensed use of recorded music that Universal Music Group controls”, this is plain wrong.
Head-twistingly wrong… (MBW)