King & Capital Invited To Draft China Guide To Merger Control By Lexisnexis

Published on Mondaq…

King & Capital Law Firm has been invited by LexisNexis to write the China chapter of its Legal Guide of China Merger Control (2018). King & Capital provides comprehensive information on China’s merger control regime in this Guide, covering issues of notification thresholds, review procedure, penalties on cases failure to notify, as well as the institutional reform of the antitrust enforcement agency in China and the progress of the revision of Anti-monopoly Law and its supporting regulations and guidelines.

Antitrust is one of the key practice areas that King & Capital is focusing on. Our lawyers are among the practitioners involved in the enforcement of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law at the early stage. Taking the advantage of our extensive experience in anti-trust investigation, litigation, merger control and anti-trust compliance, our team is capable in providing full service in anti-trust related matters.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
