“BUILDING FOOD SAFETY GOVERNANCE IN CHINA” is a PDF book by a group of Chinese scholars has just been published by the European Union. The book in PDF format is  available at https://eeas.europa.eu/sites/eeas/files/building_food_safety_governance_in_china.pdf


““This book contains a comprehensive review and analysis of the current Chinese food safety regulatory framework. China is a country of paradoxes, relying on its age-old history on one hand, and able to quickly implement considerable changes on the other hand. I contributed to training courses on food safety organised in the context of the Shanghai 2010 Expo and could already feel there the resolute determination to progress of the Chinese authorities. I strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in food safety in China”.
– Eric Poudelet, former Director responsible for Food Safety in the European Commission
Directorate General for Health & Consumers.”

Academic, David Cohig writes…

A book on a technical subject yes.  I found the book helpful not only to educate myself on food safety in China but also as a lens to look at decades of development of Chinese law, politics and economy.

Politics does rear its ugly head along the way. Or perhaps this is just a matter of politics taking command.  Dealing with messy realities with the governance system of today and thinking about how it might be made to work a bit better.

You are welcome to share these thoughts with anyone you wish.  A copy is on my translation blog at   https://gaodawei.wordpress.com/2018/05/29/chinese-experts-on-food-safety-building-food-safety-governance-in-china/