Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Out….. BIALL Want Your Submissions For 2018 Conference

BIALL write…….Although the clock is ticking there is just still time to submit a proposal for next year’s BIALL conference – if midnight tonight is approaching too fast for you then drop us an email and we’d be happy to talk about an extension (now I feel like I’m back at university!).

Have you designed (or re-designed) your training or services? Maybe you’ve developed some new skills in non-traditional areas you think others could consider? Or why not share with us what you think our roles will look like in the future? We welcome any proposals in keeping with our theme of ‘Designing our future: debate, develop, deliver’, as well as those for sessions on law and regulation in specific jurisdictions. You can find all the information you need on the Birmingham 2018 conference page of the BIALL website: http://biall.org.uk/annual-conference/conference-2018-birmingham/

Don’t forget our speakers are eligible for a discount on their conference fees and can claim travel expenses.

If you have any questions, a proposal you’d like to discuss informally, or ideas of sessions you would like to see in the programme then please do not hesitate to contact one of the Programme Co-ordinators – Julie Doran ([email protected]), Susan McGlamery ([email protected]) or Julie Christmas ([email protected]).

We look forward to receiving your submissions.



Julie Christmas

BIALL Conference Committee Vice Chair & Programme Co-ordinator
