BIALL Opens Registration For 2010 Conference

Here’s the skinny..

Registration is now open for the 41st BIALL Annual Conference and Exhibition ?<> to be held in Brighton 10-12 June this year. ??

We are delighted our theme of ?’Risks and Opportunities’ is well reflected in the Programme <> , including:

  • Key Note Speaker ?David Gurteen – David has an ever fascinating take on the future of KM, ?technology and ‘prosumers’, he offers practical ways to exploit our ?opportunities.
  • Join the Integreon ?session to get the lowdown on outsourcing and what it means for ?Information Professionals
  • Boilerplate clauses ?and other tips for contract negotiation from Fiona Fogden
  • Rory Kingan addresses methods ?of electronic resource management systems use in effectively managing online ?library spend and increasing library value

A well balanced complement of plenary and parallel sessions give solid work based tips, soft skills, career development advice and new ideas and inspiration.

Our full programme <> ?is featured on the website and has plenty of food for thought.

Our Exhibition has taken shape well, with many exhibitors attending. ?As always, they will be very pleased to meet you, discuss products and services.

The planned social events bring lots of networking opportunities to meet new colleagues and friends…and catch up with familiar faces too!

Registration <> ?can be completed on the website, downloading the form and emailing or completing the printed form in the postal brochure.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Brighton!

With kind regards on behalf of the BIALL Conference Committee,