University of Bristol Law School hosts 115th conference of the Society of Legal Scholars

23 September 2024

The Law School was delighted to host the 115th conference of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS), held at the University of Bristol on 3-5 September 2024. The conference welcomed an international audience of over 460 delegates.

The conference attracted delegates from all over the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria and South Africa, with 283 papers presented in its 27 subject sections.

Professor Paula Giliker (SLS President 2023-2024 and Professor of Comparative Law, University of Bristol) said: “It was a great honour and pleasure as President of the Society of Legal Scholars of the UK and Ireland to host its 115th conference at the University of Bristol.

“The conference theme ‘Learning from Others: Lessons for Legal Scholars?’ attracted an international audience with 27 subject sections, and plenaries on international and comparative perspectives to legal research and helping Early Career Researchers in the legal academy.

“With over 460 people attending and 18 months of planning, I am delighted that the conference was a great success.”

The conference also brought the British Association of Comparative Law to Bristol for its annual seminar on ‘Vulnerable consumers and the law: Comparative Perspectives’, and welcomed for the first time the South Asian Legal Scholars Association for their inaugural conference event, organised by Professors Devyani Prabhat and Urfan Khaliq.

The SLS Peter Birks and Margaret Brazier Book Prizes for Outstanding Legal Scholarship were presented at the Annual Dinner on Wednesday 5 September:

  • The winner of the Peter Birks Prize for Outstanding Early Career Legal Scholarship was Timothy LiauStanding in Private Law: Powers of Enforcement in the Law of Obligations and Trusts (Oxford University Press, 2023). Second prize was awarded to Vilija V?lyvyt?Judicial Authority in EU Internal Market Law: Implications for the Balance of Competences and Powers (Hart Publishing, 2022).

Read more details about the conference and its highlights in a Law School blog post by Professor Paula Giliker.
