ICMP (International Confederation Of Music Publishers) launches rights reservations portal setting out the legal and moral obligations of AI companies

The International Confederation Of Music Publishers has launched a new online portal where music publishers and collecting societies can log their ‘rights reservations’. These are basically statements via which copyright owners formally opt-out of text and data mining exceptions that exist in some copyright systems and which many AI companies rely on when using unlicensed content to train generative AI models.

The new portal, ICMP Director General John Phelan says, “is a digital resource for music companies worldwide to reaffirm that artificial intelligence must respect real rights. There is no legal, commercial or moral excuse for using the world’s music without respecting copyright. As an industry, we remind AI companies – of all sizes, everywhere – to work with us and do all they must to secure a truly legal, secure and innovative AI marketplace”.

The music industry is adamant that any AI company using existing recordings or songs to train a model must first get permission from the relevant copyright owners.

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