Lawyer goes viral over email typo

UK Law Soc Gazette

Jonathan Coad’s appearance on Sunday on GB News (pictured header)

A light moment to brighten this gloomy Monday morning as a clip went viral emphasising the benefits of checking for typos.

PR professional and media lawyer Jonathan Coad appeared on Sunday on GB News and was unhappy with being described by presenter Steve N. Allen as having been recently asked to act for former health secretary Matt Hancock.

Coad told the show via video link: ‘I have to say that’s disappointing because I made it absolutely clear to your programme. I asked them not to disclose that and that is very very poor journalism.’

He went on: ‘Your own television station has engaged in correspondence with me where I explained that while I am in a position to be able to comment on this and mentioned that I had been approached by Matt Hancock, I asked you not to mention that. If anybody is tempted to take your programme seriously, here is a good reason not to.

Allen apologised for the error before producers dug out Coad’s email to the show, which had said: ‘As a courtesy to the lady who approached me to act for MH I would be grateful if it was mentioned that he asked me to act for him.’

To his credit, Coad immediately owned his mistake and took back his complaint, responding: ‘You are absolutely right. It is my mistake, I missed out the ‘not’, I take all of that back. My abject apologies. You are right and I am wrong.’