US Legal Forms partners with Notarize to create online legal documents solution

Here is the press release

US Legal Forms, a provider of state-specific legal forms on the Internet, is collaborating with Notarize, a market leader in Remote Online Notarization (RON), to offer a complete legal documents solution for its users.

As the largest source of legal forms online with more than 85,000 state-specific documents, users can easily download, print, and now also notarize forms online, saving time and money, according to the vendors.

“We are excited to partner with a fellow Boston-based company that is aligned with our goal of making digital transformation easier for both businesses and consumers,” said Borya Shakhnovich, CEO and co-founder, airSlate, the parent company of US Legal Forms. “In speaking with our customers over the past year, we recognized a growing demand for notarization capabilities—especially in these increasingly remote and hybrid-remote environments. Through our partnership with Notarize, we are happy to be able to meet that need and make it easier and more cost-effective for our customers to complete notarizations completely online.”

US Legal Forms offers state-specific online legal documents for anyone—from consumers to small businesses, attorneys to realtors.

Providing simple categories, form descriptions and previews, US Legal Forms makes it affordable and easy to identify what type of document is needed, without the need to hire an attorney.

The RON technology that Notarize has pioneered is one of the safest and most secure methods to notarize a document, invoking enterprise-grade security, credential analysis, and a full audit trail, which prevents fraud, according to the company.

“We share airSlate’s mission to innovate and automate to replace manual, outdated processes for consumers and businesses who are now living in a digital-first world,” said Pat Kinsel, CEO, Notarize. “As the world moves to adapt to rapid changes and increasingly seeks out online solutions that are more convenient, fast and secure, Notarize is thrilled to solve the last, traditionally-offline step for airSlate customers with Notarize’s 100% digital and fully-compliant notarization solution.“

For more information about this partnership, visit or