In this webinar, we will look at some of the latest developments, emerging trends and hot topics in advertising and marketing law and regulation. By attending this event, delegates will be able to spot some of the key issues that are affecting brand owners, advertising agencies and marketing professioinals today and over the coming months. These will include:
Social Media and Influencers: Regulators have been persuing influencers for non-disclosure of paid social posts for years, but now even the UK Parliament has launched an inquiry into influencer marketing, raising the risk of greater likelihood. Rather than looking at individual examples, we will look at the big themes that the regulators are concerned about. Diversity and Representation in Advertising: How are regulators responding to pressure to ensure greater representation of diverent groups in advertising, by race, gender, sexual orientation or disablity? New rules have been implemented in recent years to prevent harmful gender stereotypes, but how are those rules and other initiatives to drive equality being implemented in practice? The impact of climate change on what we advertise, and how: For years, environmental campaigners have been complaining about advertisers ‘greenwashing’ their environmental claims. Now, they are calling for bans on advertising on whole categories, such as SUV’s, and the Competition and Markets Authority is investigating whether claims to be ‘eco-friendly’ are misleading. Obesity: Concerns about advertising for foods that are High in Fat, Sugar and Salt have been growing for years, alongside the obesity crisis in the western world. The Covid-19 pandemic has hightened these concerns, with the UK considering bans on TV ads before 9pm, certain kinds of sale promotions both instore and online, and even all online advertising. But now, the food industry is questioning the evidence base for some of these measures, and we will look at the current state of play. |