Throughout 2021 the University of Dayton School of Law (UDSL), as part of the internationalization of its Online LL.M. Program, will host the exclusive “Law in the Americas” webinar series featuring thought leaders in the fields of law and legal education. The online series will create an opportunity for dialogues on influence, cross-fertilization, and comparative legal practices between the U.S. and Latin American countries. It will also provide a forum for faculty and students from the University of Dayton School of Law’s university partners to explore cutting-edge legal issues in the Americas and opportunities for future faculty collaboration.
The University of Dayton School of Law’s Online LL.M. Program brings together law students and graduates from around the world to learn about U.S. law and legal practice. Qualified LL.M. students earn their LL.M. degree in as little as one year and establish a path to bar eligibility in certain states.
Technology and Teaching Education Law
The move toward online instruction, as exemplified at the University of Dayton School of Law, coupled with the move to virtual instruction in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping professional legal education in both Brazil and the United States. Against this background, the panelists, all of whom are experienced teaching online, will reflect on their experiences while offering tips for those who are, or may soon be, teaching virtually.
Nina Beatriz Stocco Ranieri, Associate Professor II, Department of Public Law, UNESCO Chair on the Right to Education, Researcher, Center for Public Policy, University of São Paulo
Charles J. Russo, M. Div., J.D., Ed.D., Director, Ph.D. Program in Educational Leadership & Research Professor of Law, University of Dayton School of Law & School of Education
Victoria Van Zandt, Assistant Dean, Online Hybrid J.D. Program, Professor of Lawyering Skills, and Co-coordinator of Institutional Assessment, University of Dayton School of Law
Nina Beatriz Stocco Ranieri
Nina Beatriz Stocco Ranieri, Ph.D., is Associate Professor II in the Department of Public Law of the University of São Paulo’s Law School as the UNESCO Chair on the Right to Education and Senior Researcher at its Center for Public Policy. Ranieri held positions in the São Paulo State´s Government and public education, advising international and national entities on aspects of the right to education and education law; she currently serves on São Paulo’s State Board of Education. Author of books and articles on Public Law and Education Law and a member of national and international academic editorial boards, Ranieri was elected to the São Paulo State Academy of Education in 2018.
Charles J. Russo
Charles J. Russo, M. Div., J.D., Ed. D., is the Joseph Panzer Chair in Education in the School of Education and Health Sciences, Director of its Ph.D. Program, and Research Professor of Law in the School of Law at the University of Dayton. He previously taught at Fordham University in his native New York City, and the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. The 1998-99 President of the Education Law Association, and 2002 recipient of its McGhehey (Achievement) Award, he authored or co-authored more than 325 articles in peer-reviewed journals; authored, co-authored, edited, or co-edited 73 books, and has more than 1,100 publications. Also, Dr. Russo has spoken extensively on issues in Education Law in the thirty-four States and thirty-one nations outside of the US on all six inhabited continents.
Victoria VanZandt
Victoria VanZandt joined the University of Dayton School of Law faculty in 2005 and in 2018 was appointed as the first Assistant Dean for the Law@Dayton Hybrid JD Program. She was previously the coordinator of the Legal Profession Program. A graduate of the law school, Professor VanZandt has experience as a retrospective case law editor for LexisNexis, a commercial litigation attorney specializing in commercial bankruptcy for Brant Moore Macdonald & Wells, P.A. in Jacksonville, Florida, and as a judicial law clerk for two years to the Honorable Jerry A. Funk, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge.