7 months after new Florida music law enacted, not many tickets given

It’s been seven months since Florida enacted a new law aimed at getting drivers to turn down the volume — or at least roll up their windows.

The new law was music to the ears of people who say loud music shakes their windows and disturbs the peace. But more than half a year later, the number of people who’ve actually gotten citations is shockingly low.

even months ago, Clay Daniels finally got the headache helper he’d been asking — if not begging for. After spending decades at city council meetings, pleading for them to do something about cars blasting loud music near his East Tampa home, Daniels finally got his wish.

In July 2022, the state legislature enacted a new law giving cops the power to write people a ticket for blasting their car stereo.

“I feel great. I feel like I caught the lottery,” Daniels told us then. “It’s like a boom boom boom. Your whole house be shaking. Your windows be rattling. It is terrible. You know, it’s a terrible way to live.”