7 Major Things You Need To Know About America’s Current Immigration Laws

There are 34 million immigrants who live in the United States. Some of them have also received green cards as they have become lawful residents of the USA. You have to plan out the ways to get US citizenship properly. Ensure that you know the recent norms of the country to learn more about the current immigration laws.

You need to understand that if you want to get citizenship in the USA, you have to follow certain norms effectively to develop your chances to get citizenship in the USA. Their entire system is divided into several categories.


1. Family-Based Immigration   

In the Family-based immigration law of the USA, you will get a green card from the authority to reside as a citizen of the USA if you have family, siblings, and a wife who is living in the country for many years. You can seek the help of immigration attorneys to help you in making the process faster. In statistics, it is shown that 7% of the immigrants apply for Green card every year.


2. Refugee Admissions 

In 2018, the number of refugees admitted in the country was 22491, which is lower than in 2017, 53,716. Trump’s first act was to freeze the refugee admissions in the country. Later this rate goes high after January 2018. To some extent, political interference is also there in accepting refugee admissions in the country.


3. Employment-Based Green Cards   

Employment-based green cards are offered to families or residents working in the USA for a longer duration. You have to consider this point in mind if you want to get citizenship in the USA. You have to follow their norms if you’re going to get citizenship in the country. Depending on specific skills also you will get green cards from the government. You have to plan things to achieve your objectives.


4. Diversity Visas  

Each year in the USA, 50,000 people get green cards through diversity visa programs. This program is also known as the Visa lottery, where the immigrants receive green cards to stay in the USA as the country’s permanent resident. Over one million immigrants have received these green cards to stay in the country as a permanent resident. The legal obligations here are less.


5. H-1B Visas    

The H-1B Visas are one of the most effective temporary visa programs in the country. The highly skilled laborers in the country receive the visa from working as permanent residents of the nation. The best thing about this Visa is that they can temporarily use this visa and leave it in return to the government when they return to their native country whenever they wish to do that.


6. Temporary Permission 

A small group of unorganized immigrants receives these visas to work in the USA for a short time and leave the country whenever their work is over. The critical thing to note here is that these people will not receive any permanent law full residential status. They have to follow certain legal norms to achieve their objectives to stay in the country permanently. You need to seek the assistance of the best immigrant lawyer who can help you in this case.


7. Temporary Protected Status 

The 3,20,000 immigrants have the scope to stay in the USA from ten different countries of the world. Certain citizens of the countries will not receive the residential status to remain in the USA. You have to consider the names of these countries if you want the temporary protected status in the country. You cannot ignore these facts from your end.



Hence, these are some of the norms and current rules to get residential status in the USA. You have to plan things out to get the maximum exposure from the country. You can also seek the help of a lawyer in the USA to get the residential status as an immigrant.