It’s happening Friday 11th March.
Here’s the skinny……
“I learnt more in 1 hour … than I did in all the legal IT conferences
I have been to in the past 5 years!”
Damien MacRae, Mallesons &
“(2010 was) the most worthwhile professional seminar/conference
I have attended”
Danielle Romaine, Law to Your Door
This impersonal email is to let you know about the 3rd Online Legal Services Conference in Sydney. ?There is an extraordinary array of 25+ speakers lined up, including at least 2 from overseas who will again be here in person (Adrian Dayton & Darryl Mountain).
The above two comments from last year’s event say it all. And so much has happened since then that we are expecting it to sellout. So take advantage of the “Early Bird” Offer and secure your spot.
Online Legal Services – Fri 11 mar – 9:00 am to 6:30 pm (Drinks from 5 to 6:30)
Keep up with what is happening via Twitter:
This seminar will be the best way to learn about “The New Normal” – the business of law, along with the other innovative topics, and interesting speakers, and attendees, many of whom wouldn’t miss this (nearly) annual get together (we skipped 2009). ?
Due to sponsorship, we are able to provide the Online Legal Servcies Conference at the greatly reduced rate. ?The special Early Bird Rate of $396 for first attendee, and $196 for each additional booking, expires 19 Feb. ?Thereafter, it will be $495 + $245.
So, be sure to reserve your place at the discounted rate by replying to this email indicating that you wish to attend and if you are bringing anyone.