3 Important Reasons for Hiring a Reckless Driving Lawyer

You’ve just been accused of reckless driving for going more than 20 miles an hour above the speed limit. Now, you’re starting to panic.

Why? Because reckless driving poses a major threat to other motorists, including paramedics and emergency medical technicians. And for this reason, it comes with harsh legal and other penalties.

In light of the above, it’s a smart idea to hire a reckless driving lawyer if you’re battling a reckless driving charge. Here’s a rundown on three important reasons to hire this type of lawyer right away.

Let’s jump in!

Legal Penalties

One of the top reasons to hire a reckless driving attorney is that reckless driving carries serious legal penalties. This is because it is a misdemeanor offense.

A misdemeanor offense, unfortunately, carries the potential for a jail sentence as well as fines. In addition, it is a permanent mark on your criminal record. This means that you’ll be required to disclose this offense in a job application or a rental house/ apartment application.

Considering these possible penalties, it might behoove you to let a traffic attorney review your case’s information. They can then determine whether you’ve got a viable defense before you admit any guilt for driving recklessly.

View here to learn more about how an attorney can help to defend you in court.

Further Penalties

Yet another reason to hire a reckless driving lawyer is that a reckless driving charge can lead to a spike in your insurance premium over the next few years.

This translates to several thousand dollars more paid for auto insurance in total.

On top of this, if you have a large number of demerit points on your driving record, you could end up losing your license to drive. This may make it difficult for you to keep your job, or you could find yourself spending large sums of money on a taxi service instead.

Location Challenges

You should also hire a reckless driving attorney if you were pulled over for speeding in a different state from where you live.

Driving to and from the other state to make a court appearance can be a hassle. This is particularly true if you’ll have to miss work to do this, or if you have to pay more in childcare expenses to make this happen

However, an attorney can make an appearance for you in many cases. This will save you both time and money in the long run.

Take Advantage of a Reckless Driving Lawyer Today

If you’re facing a reckless driving charge, you may be tempted to try to profess your innocence on your own. However, hiring an attorney can help you to defend yourself in an effective and appropriate manner.

For instance, an attorney can cite your case’s specifics and then present laws that support your defense claim.

Consider the above-listed reasons for hiring a reckless driving lawyer as you seek to protect your reputation and your future after being charged with reckless driving.

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