3 Hong Kong men and teen sentenced for attack on lawyer during protest over national security law in 2020

The SCMP reports

  • Judge says injured man victim of ‘brutal attack’ and the consequences could have been far more serious
  • Lawyer suffered multiple cuts and bruises and had to spend three days in hospital after mob attack

Three men were on Friday jailed for up to 34 months after they admitted a “brutal” assault on a Hong Kong lawyer who confronted protesters vandalising a shop during a demonstration against the Beijing-imposed national security law more than two years ago.

A fourth defendant, now 17, but 15 at the time of the offence, also pleaded guilty and was sent to a training centre for up to three years.

The District Court heard last month that Chan Tze-chin, a partner at Cheung & Liu Solicitors, was battered by a group of masked men for more than a minute after he condemned their attack on a fashion store in Causeway Bay’s Leighton Road.

Chan suffered cuts to the head, right ear, chin, left hand and left leg, as well as bruises on his back and spent three days in hospital.

Read more at  https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3198506/3-hong-kong-men-and-teen-sentenced-attack-lawyer-during-protest-over-national-security-law-2020?module=hard_link&pgtype=article