2022: Crime Statistics in NJ


Aggravated assaults, mass shootings, package thefts, online scams. These, and many other crimes are taking the center stage of our news and many Americans are living in fear. 

The Garden State residents have not been left behind. We have experienced our fair share of woes which have left us hungry for safety.

However, all is not lost. The citizens of New Jersey can breathe a sigh of relief since the state ranks among the top 12 safest places to live and work, according to a recent study from the research firm, TOP Data.

What’s the crime statistics in New Jersey for 2022? Let’s explore more.

Understanding crime

Globally, crimes depend on motivation, opportunity, and the absence of witnesses.  

However, motivation plays a big part in crime. Lack of jobs, reduced government support, and increased financial burdens due to inflation, have increased crimes like burglary and online fraud.

Other crimes include;

  • Destroying or stealing a victim’s property without threat or force
  • Vandalism
  • Arson
  • Additionally, we have embezzlement, bribery,, motor vehicle theft, trespassing, criminal mischief, counterfeiting/forgery, blackmail/extortion and package theft

Crime affects communities, neighborhoods, and families, whether directly or indirectly. Crimes cause emotional, social, and physical harm. It can lead to premature death, financial loss, disability, anxiety, depression, and stress disorder. 

Crime can also lead to financial burden for the government and society due to increased healthcare needs, less investment, and therefore, less economic activity.  

New Jersey crime statistics

New Jersey’s violent crime rate has dropped by 6% in 2022. Currently, New Jersey has a crime rate of around 2 incidents per every 1,000 persons. As a result, for the second year running, New Jersey was among states with the fifth lowest violent crime rate in the country.

Additionally, the property crime rate fell significantly by 13% to 11.6 incidents per 1000 people.

However, some crimes like car theft, robbery, and package theft have increased.

Car theft

Car theft has risen dramatically with over 17,000 cases expected in 2022. This is a 22% increase from 2021 when 14,320 motor vehicles were stolen. 

Most car criminals concentrated on catalytic converters, stealing valuables and vehicles. Catalytic converts have become hotcakes among criminals due to their components, including precious metal, that fetches a lot of cash.

However, despite the rise in car thefts, New Jersey boasts an average of 137.1 incidents per 100,000 residents, far below the national average of 284 incidents per 100,000 residents.

Package theft

Americans have fully embraced online shopping and this accelerated when Covid- 19 kicked in.  E-commerce has enabled us to purchase and get our goods delivered to our doorsteps.

Unfortunately, criminals have crafted the art of preying on our parcels. 

Porch pirating has become a pandemic in New Jersey, with over 18.5% of residents reporting their packages stolen. Package theft remains high during the holiday season.


New Jersey ranks eighth nationally as the safest state with minimal break-ins. Of every 100,000 people in New Jersey, only 263.9 suffer from forceful break-ins or burglaries.

Most break-ins don’t occur at night but during the day, when the residents are out, specifically between 10 am and 3.00 pm.

However, theft stands at 1,137.4 per 100,000 residents making it the most common property crime in New Jersey.

Violent crimes

Overall, violent crimes, especially shootings, have dramatically dropped. Gun violence in New Jersey has fallen to 23% statewide, 27% in Jersey City, 30% in Newark, and Paterson stands at 12%.

 In 2022, New Jersey reported only 407 violent cases compared to 2021, where 528 instances were reported, making it a 23% decrease.

However, crimes like rape, robbery, and assault have increased, attributed to stress, fear, isolation, job loss, mental breakdown, and the availability of guns.

Anything that creates hardship and increases frustration in people becomes the most potent trigger to sexual attacks, assaults, and even murder. The assault level stands at 120.5 per every 100 residents, while murder is at 3.7, rape is at 16, and the robber is at 88.

In New Jersey, robbery ranks highest, with over 25% of people reporting to have experienced it.  

Domestic violence

Financial stress, scarcity of community resources, illness, unemployment, and idleness has led to an increased rate of domestic violence. 

Domestic violence, as the most unreported crime, means abuse or violence in a domestic setting like marriage or cohabitation. It involves intimate partners/spouses and other family members.

Domestic violence happens to men and women, irrespective of age, sexual orientation, and economic status. It includes sexual, emotional, verbal, physical, and financial abuse.

Over 100,000 New Jerseys have experienced domestic violence, with 35.8% women and 27.4% men reporting. 

Cyber crime


With the internet becoming an integral part of everyone’s daily life, online fraud and cybercrime have become the order of the day.

Cybercrime includes any activity that uses the internet to transmit, access, and manipulate other people’s data for illegal purposes. It may consist of fraudulent representation by another person for personal, financial, or malicious gain. The main types of cyber-crime include

  • Imposter scams
  • Identify theft
  • Purchase/ financial scams
  • Cyber stalking, bullying, and harassment.  

In fact, in 2021, New Jersey lost a tune of 203.51 billion dollars in cybercrimes, and in May 2022, Somerset County experienced a ransomware attack that disrupted its daily activities.

Cybercriminals leave their victims financially, emotionally, and mentally drained. 

To protect yourself, avoid using public WI-FI and don’t share your password even with relatives. Keep in mind relatives mastermind most identity and financial crimes.  

If you notice or suspect you are a victim of cybercrime, report the crime and then contact a NJ criminal attorney to assist you in taking the necessary steps, and reducing the burden associated with cyber crimes.  

Final thoughts on crime in New Jersey

Crime affects everyone, whether directly or indirectly, and the pain can last for years. With the aftermath of the hurricane and Covid-19 having kept the New Jersey residents on their toes, they have something to smile about; Crime has drastically dropped. 

However, we still have a few rotten criminals on the loose. So be your neighbor’s keeper and help keep New Jersey safe into the new year.