2021 State of AI Adoption in eDiscovery – An IPRO, ZyLAB & ACEDS Study

Ipro Tech

January 26th, 2022

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET

AI and ediscovery

Businesses generate a massive amount of data they must manage for eDiscovery. With the COVID-19 pandemic further driving the use of digital collaboration tools such as Slack and Microsoft Teams, data growth and complexity has exponentially accelerated.

There are a host of new AI tools and technologies that can help streamline and simplify each stage of the eDiscovery process to effectively manage all this data. However, the question is: How well are these helpful tools being adopted?

IPRO, ZyLAB, and the Association of E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS) recently surveyed 184 eDiscovery practitioners across law firms, service providers, corporate and government, to better understand how AI is deployed across the eDiscovery industry.

Join us on January 26 for a discussion on the 4 stages of AI adoption in eDiscovery, trends, and the future of AI in eDiscovery.

Meet the Speakers

Sarai Schubert

Sarai Schubert

Chief Operations Officer, IPRO

Schubert is responsible for overseeing all internal technical operations including IPRO’s cloud services, technical support, customer success, product training & documentation, and product management. She previously served as manager of practice support operations at the global law firm, Latham & Watkins, LLP.

Johannes Scholtes

Johannes Scholtes

Chief Data Scientist, IPRO

Scholtes oversees research, development and legally defensible application of data science and artificial intelligence in all of IPRO and ZyLAB’s eDiscovery and Information Governance software. He’s been involved with ZyLAB since 1998, and is a professor of text mining in AI in ligation.

Maura Grossman

Maura Grossman

Research Professional, University of Waterloo

Grossman is an eDiscovery lawyer and consultant.