Young China Watchers presents Professor Michael Davis .. “Universal Suffrage”

HK is more likely to get universal suffering that universal suffrage.. but one can but hope


Young China Watchers presents
Professor Michael Davis

June 17 at 7:30 PM

We are delighted to invite you to join us for the next session of Young China Watchers on Tuesday, June 17, featuring Professor Michael C. Davis. Earlier a core founding member of both the the Article 23 and 45 concern groups, Professor Davis has served as an adviser to such Hong Kong based groups as International Chamber of Commerce, the Asian Human Rights Commission, and the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor. He has played an active role in progressing Hong Kong’s debate on constitutional reform. In a recently published open letter to Carrie Lam, Michael Davis suggested a way for Hong Kong to elect the chief executive in 2017 that would conform to the Basic Law, as the government insists, while being consistent with international human rights standards. In this talk, Prof Davis will evaluate how the debate has developed and set out his understanding of Hong Kong’s progress towards universal suffrage.

Michael C. Davis, a professor in the Law Faculty at the University of Hong Kong, has held visiting chairs at Northwestern University Law School (2005-06) and Notre Dame Law School (2004-05), as well as the Schell Senior Human Rights Fellowship at the Yale Law School (1994-95).  His publications include Constitutional Confrontation in Hong Kong (1990), Human Rights and Chinese Values (1995) and International Intervention: From Power Politics to Global Responsibility (2004), as well as numerous articles on human rights and constitutionalism issues  in leading academic journals in law and political science. He has law degrees from the University of California, Hastings (JD) and Yale Law School (LLM).

Given there is no charge for attendance, we strongly encourage people to eat and drink heartily, as a favour to our kind hosts who have provided us with the private space at Bar Six, located on the 6th Floor of Parekh House, 63 Wyndham Street, Central.