Purple Frog Text Ltd Say They Can Reduce Time Spent Searching For & Sharing Legal Info

Here’s the press release from the UK company based in York………

Knowledge management technology company, Purple Frog Text Ltd., is set to showcase the latest version of its ‘SynAPPS-Legal’ system on Friday 11 April at York Science Park to a gathering of lawyers from across York.

The system is based on more than two decades of academic research and promises to significantly reduce the amount of time lawyers spend searching for and sharing legal information.

Purple Frog Text Ltd., which operates from York Science Park’s Catalyst building, has developed the system in response to the challenges faced by law firms in effectively managing ever increasing amounts of information.

Masoud Saeedi, Managing Director, Purple Frog Text Ltd., said: “According to recent research (Forrester 2012), corporate content is growing at a rate of 200% each year.

“Most of this information, and the knowledge it contains, is lost to the organisations that hold it or can only be accessed in a costly and time inefficient manner. As a result, knowledge has to be recreated time and again.“

Existing technology solutions often fail to provide a way of accessing information across all sources, so multiple queries are required, including accessing information outside of organisations.

Lawyers have to navigate a variety of paths and gateways to get the information needed, and currently waste on average a day a week on ineffective searches.

SynAPPS-Legal provides an efficient, cost effective system for searching, communicating and sharing information, all from a single platform, and supports the collation and recycling of knowledge so that both individual lawyers and their firms can produce the best advice, drawing on all relevant information.

It also is a key risk management tool as it ensures that all lawyers have access to previous advice, relevant legislation, case law and the issues analysis within their firm and beyond.“

Fast and reliable, SynAPPS-Legal can be tailored to each firm’s requirements and delivers information to desktops and mobile devices in a way that is intuitive and easy to use.

Each lawyer can search all the relevant internal and external information (including LexisPSL and Practical Law Company) regardless of origin and format.

Search results can be shared and utilised for project development within SynAPPs-Legal Hub.

Luigi Salzano, business services director of law firm Pannone commented: “What really attracted us to SynApps-Legal was its ease of use, both in terms of aggregating and indexing content and the end user experience, and its flexibility.

“With Purple Frog’s assistance and our strong on-going relationship we have unlocked significant time savings for fee earners, reducing the cost of serving our clients, which is good news for us and them.“

Tracey Smith, York Science Park managing director, said: “Purple Frog Text Ltd. is an incredibly innovative company and its SynAPPS-Legal system is already proven to provide real time and cost savings for legal firms.

“We are delighted to host this showcase event and we hope that Yorkshire’s legal community will make the most of the opportunity to see for themselves how this new and exciting technology can make a real difference to how they operate.“
