Prominent Greek Lawyer Released After Confessing to Beating Wife

Where do you even start with this ?


ATHENS – A Greek lawyer who took on celebrated cases was released from custody after admitting he savagely beat his wife, as the government said it would try to protect women from domestic violence and wanted stricter penalties.

Apostolos Lytras appeared before reporters after the case came to attention when his wife -also a lawyer – sought medical treatment at a private clinic and a doctor alerted authorities after doubting their story she fell down stairs.

The doctor was said to have determined the type of injuries were from physical abuse and a beating, a new law requiring mandatory reporting of domestic violence by public officials, Lyrtras facing criminal charges of intentional bodily harm.

The case was subsequently transferred to the Omonia Domestic Violence Unit for further investigation but after he gave a statement, Lytras was released on condition he stay away from his wife until his trial.

The doctor was said to have reported that Lytras’ wife suffered fractures and serious injuries to her face, head and arms, no report why he wasn’t detained further under the new law and government promises to be tough on abusers.

After he reportedly admitted beating her, he attempted to justify what he did by blaming his wife for instigating it by sending him text messages that angered him, said Kathimerini, no indication what they were.

Speaking to reporters outside the court, he seemed remorseful and stated that he would seek treatment, apologizing to his wife and three daughters although it was said he had previously been accused by her of beatings before withdrawing charges.

He also has to leave the family home and attend a special psychological support program, his name revealed despite Greek privacy laws that generally keep identities secret unless someone is convicted, and sometimes even then.

Newsit said that leniency was shown because the victim testified it was the first time he beat her, contradicting other reports that it had happened before, no explanation given for the disparity.

Lytras told reporters that, “I confessed to my act, I apologize for what happened to my wife who I love so much and my three daughters,” he said. He continued: “I found myself in a situation where I can’t give an explanation. I have never been violent in my life. I will look to see how I can heal, to seek help, because I have built a career and a family that has been done with a lot of effort.”

He said: “I will look for the psychological causes why this happened, I cannot forgive myself. Not to put any man in such a situation. You see how sharp I am with myself. I apologize to the whole world and first and foremost to Sophia and my daughters.”

The case was discussed at a briefing of political editors where New Democracy government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis said he couldn’t comment because the case was before the courts, which can take years to rule on cases.