Press Release: Kluwer “The New Arbitration Beta”

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Get to Know the New Kluwer Arbitration Beta

Try our new Kluwer Arbitration (Beta) research service. The same trusted expert content, but with powerful, new search functionality.


  A new “Search within a Search” feature allows you to easily narrow search results using new search terms

·        Suggested arbitration terms and phrases as you type your search query

·        More powerful Boolean search functionality

      An accessible advanced search feature allows the option to refine results pre- and post-search

·        A new date selection filter

·        All filters have multi-select properties

·        A revitalized browse books experience to help you research based on authors you know and trust

    Adjust display results to your personal preference

·        Control number of results shown on the page

·        Refine searches from the search results page

·        Preview document option
