Legal Publishing – Plus Ca Change !

We’ve been reading the same comments for nigh on quarter of a century.

Legal Publishers cannot change their spots however hard they pretend to try

A librarian recently posted on LIS – LAW


There seems to be a trend for abrupt “closures” of this type.

 Tolley’s Social Security and State Benefits (loose leaf) closed at the end of 2016. We were informed about this in a letter from the LexisNexis Market Development Director on the 12th December.

 More recently the curtain went down on Litigation Letter (journal) produced by Informa. I found out in a phone call.

Both these publications have been going for at least 15 years and were useful to us. There was no consultation with customers as far as I know although credits, refunds, transfers etc. were taken care of in both cases.

 I guess these titles were not making (enough) money.

 To me it is a bit like Sainsbury’s deciding to cease stocking something like kiwi fruit or pineapples because not enough people buy them. Shoppers still expect to see them on the shelf and some will find them a vital ingredient.